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Song Lyrics Prank On Boyfriend

 Song Lyrics Prank On Boyfriend



like tonight I'm gonna be a breaking up  with my boyfriend put through text message I'm gonna text  my friend some like random song lyrics  and that's probably not gonna make a lot  of sense.
                                but you know that's the point  of the challenge they're gonna text your  friends but that's it's going to be  funny because I'm gonna be pranking them  guys I might jeopardize my relationship  with Gavin like this is I'm super super  nervous.

 what were you gonna do and one  day your relationship I think she's  gonna blame it on you because they're  Frank's prey.  you're amazing they can turn on like. yeah but you're more amazing if you ask  right Demelza all right now let's get  this price started  I'm going to be testing is Simone I'm  super excited I am going to be texting  her The Little Mermaid song you know  like this look at this stuff is it yeah  hopefully she's hella confused no no no  but let's do it.

good lyric prank songs for boyfriend 2020

                                                                    actually I'm just gonna  text her hi to see if like she's free  and to kind of start the conversation  hey I'm a little nervous holy Sh okay  she said get back okay she just said hi  Piper what are you doing so I'm just  gonna say look at this stuff  that's really weird hopefully she reacts  hopefully okay let's get this print  started okay she's texting back guys  she's texting back question like I  didn't get the pic yet oh okay she must  have thought like I'm gonna send her  picture and I didn't send it yeah look  at these stuff like.
                  she probably thinks  I'm sitting here like a picture of my  like clothes she doesn't know we were  doing that's good the next one is isn't  it neat let's do it probably would be  like no you didn't send the picture  isn't okay she's typing she started.

 so  she totally is not getting what I'm  doing what am I supposed to be looking  at your story look what she's talking  about  like she honestly there's not a what I'm  going the next line is wouldn't you  think my collections complete that was  gonna be really confusing for her  because like that's confusing for me  perfect oh why my son nervous guys you should try this with your friends.
                                            it's  really fun she still doesn't know what's  going on of collection or scrunchies  okay she literally does not know what's  going on she literally does not know  what's gonna she's typing again so i'ma  wait so she's tied to a quick but guys I  do have a sick collection of songs geez  she literally thinks that there's a  delay on my side is she probably is  still waiting for this future she's  still falling for it so let's go to the  next line the next line is why don't you  think I'm the girl wooden okay okay all  right I'm gonna send it.

Song Lyrics Prank On Boyfriend

                  I'm gonna send  it I send it she's so confused like  literally I would be confused if this  was happening to me she's literally so  confused I can have all my friends I  would think like Simone's like the smart  one like come on Simone get it in it the  next line is the girl who has everything  so this is this she might get this one  okay I'm like trying like not to sing it
                               okay I sent it let's see what she says  to this I think she might get it after  this one like come on Simone like you're  a smart girl get it she succeed she said  um she really doesn't get what I'm doing  Ola I feel so bad  they probably thinks that I'm completely  insane.
                   I mean I kind of am but like I'm  not trying to be right now but not why I chose this song is because of me and  Simone are gonna go to Disney room  tonight I'm actually like so excited so  like I love you I'm super excited all  right  oh my god okay.

lyric prank songs for crush,

                                    so she actually she sent  me a voice recording like oh she is so  confused so let's let's listen to  together right hey Piper help you having  fun in Georgia I do a lot but I'm  getting like some weird stuff from yawn  know it's probably spring hacking your  phone or like wanting out or something  you know how finger is all this weird  stuff but like you know making honey's  that's really probably hot language.
                                                                                                                  because we never went to school but like  just text me back hopefully this time  I'm crazy too like she really thinks  that I am crazy and stupid and explain  it you are literally insane well I'm  doing like you know your favorites  weather make you look fat but I wear  stripes sweaters all of the time  I am the fashion a part of it no you're  the frame just cause you sad are you and  I miss you so much so you know what I  mean right like I make sense right you  want to eat.
                                   you know what I mean right something  that's not what I'm talking about you  don't know what I'm talking about  did you not gonna read my text enough  like what kind of friends are you  like you're having sex you're not it was  finding like to my time messages but I  am literally need perfectly clear like  seconds one second I'm being so clear  like you can understand like a normal  person  I'm separate to go for your phone or  something are you not over here and you  just called from dump come on Simone  like this stuff isn't it neat.

                lyric prank on boyfriend songs ideas

                                                                                            I'm a girl oh my god okay well I cannot wait to see  you and I cannot wait we got our like oh  my god like right alright guys I have a  great idea we're gonna do another pray  I'm gonna use the lyrics to Gavin's song.
                                           Russian I'm super excited because I'm  going to  see honor like he's literally gonna  think I'm gonna have a big fat crush on  it like this is gonna be so fun so I'm  gonna text and hey real quick  like to see if he's available but I'm  not put like a little heart so he like  thinks I'm actually in love with him  all right so I said hey with two of our  three I sent it.
                                                 okay okay  prank begins let's do it now so excited  okay might get this because he's pretty  good friends with gap and he knows Gavin  song definitely  shit you we might actually fought this  because when you save the lyrics without  seeing them it kinda sounds weird like  Connor has not touch the back yet like.

                            come on  oh I'm not even nervous like I've done  this one time I got a prank load on  ready Frank can you not snore right now  you're messing up okay I'm just little okay so he doesn't mind he said hey  what's up so the lyrics of the song are  hey how about I take you out for a ride  so I'm gonna text him that hopefully he  doesn't get it okay  so I'm about Center are you guys ready  are you guys ready wait wait before make  sure you guys go like

  good lyric prank songs for boyfriend                                                       

            okay because  I'm doing something with that might ruin  my relationship with Gavin all right and  I'm also using this song what I've got  are like snitches on me like I'm scared  all right here right you read it like  come on you read he's still he's texting  back he's digging back he picks it back  so he said what do you mean where to so.
                     I guess he thinks that I'm like in LA  and I'm gonna drive him somewhere I  don't know okay let's touch the next  lyrics the next line is how about we go  and have a good time this is getting  juicy guys okay guys I'm gonna send it  hopefully he doesn't get it yet okay  okay ready oh my god okay hopefully I  can't honestly doesn't know what I mean.
                                              because he's pretty smart too though he  said what question like like where do  you want to hang out or something  question mark question mark question  mark so he literally does not know  what's going on he's obviously confused  but he doesn't know where we're going  really back all right the next line is  cuz I've been waiting since the very  first times that it he probably thinks  I'm hitting on him so hard okay  I'm gonna spend it recording okay oh my  god I think he's I think he might get it.

  like what if he does I'm scared  Frank help me wake up he's texted back  okay you said the first time what I  thought you said the first time what and  you also put you're scaring me so funny  oh the next line is that I saw you okay  send it okay said what what cattle oh  yeah he literally does not know what's  going on that's oh honey.
                                        okay he said  wait what hold up Oh God see me like  this  is he gonna look up the crushing song oh  god I'm getting sweaty all right let's  keep going trust me I knew now let's see  if Connor makes move on me I accept it  okay he's texting back already like what  I'm risking my relationship again why do  I always do this to myself oh my is it  you knew what I think this is the line  right here you and me that's what it's  supposed to be okay that's the line I'm  gonna send it this is the moment of  truth  I could be a risking my relationship or  I could be doing a really funny prank for you guys.

Song Lyrics Prank On Boyfriend

but I think I wanna be  risking my relationship okay let me just  say I'm gonna send it wait why are you  dogging my questions  wait what he says wait what a lot like  okay you said wait are you saying like  um wait are you saying like you like me  or something question mark question mark  all right  he's actually going around with this  right hey I'm okay I'll have to tell him  soon I mean I don't like this to go too  far somebody but guys should I go one  more time or call so he said how could  you do this when you're dating Gavin  trying to keep my date again I'm a fire.
                                               but I'm gonna do one more for you good  even though I should end it right here  I'm gonna do it easy baby as one two  three  can't you see that we are meant to be  okay this is the moment of truth  if she's actually going to like hit the  moves on me or something said the word  baby so that's my cue no okay okay or  Conn or could not be bit like friends  with us because one he like let's move  on me he says Ben  huh wait he said wait kind of nervous  like what if he calls gabot like the  answer answer it okay okay I was we're  gonna go tell gather or something I mean  thank you for not I mean did I prank you  at first duh yeah our Blog all right well I miss  you guys so much I can't wait to see you  thank you thank you.

                               so he actually yeah okay  I got him I got him look at these  muscles they're getting bigger by the  second see these muscles muscles yeah I might be single after this blog all right  super buster the last break I am so  scared so I'm gonna take some hay to see  if he's free like I did with all people  so hey are sparse Park looking three  words again  I test them right but um I started the  prank now let's just wait but my heart  is pounding like I wish you guys could  feel my heart pounding like I don't know  what that could lose my relationship.
                             so the reason why I might be losing my  boyfriend is because I'm going to be  sending him lyrics that look like I  breaking up with him  song that I I'm going to be using it by  back by run in safe so this will be fun  but I'm still nervous Anna still hasn't  texted me back quick glad now we went to  24 hours later  the finally it's been like hours look what  does he have sing hey youtube  are you serious.
                                                                                                                    I  mean if Gavin shooting in a video  there's a camera on him guys and I'm writting a  blog I have a  great idea what if I got Gavin for your  action I am the best idea ever  Frank I'm trying to tell you about it  okay so Gavin's on his way to shoot a Video  and he's gonna have a  camera on him and I know his editor so  you know what I think I'm gonna do I  think I'm gonna call his editor and be  like hey can you like film Gavin and  kind of see his reaction.
                                                                              because I'm  going to be pranking him  hello hello hi Brian I have a little  favor for you can you do it sure I'm  doing a  where I bring my friends  like using like song lyrics you know and  I was wondering while I'm doing it can  you feel like Gavin's reaction oh  absolutely  oh my god this is gonna be such a great  Blog don't have it because I want to give  like a really good reaction okay all  right thanks thanks thanks all right so  it seems like Brian is good to go so  let's get this price started sit down okay okay.

Song Lyrics Prank On Boyfriend

 so I'm gonna take  Gavin okay text me when you get there so  he texts me and I know when to start  this prank okay that's it  okay Frank are you excited I can tell I  can very much doubt Oh Phyllis out right  now are you feeling proud  you look proud Oh Sugata just texted me finally he says  I'm bout to film I have a few minutes so  I'm gonna test him  the first song lyrics like I'm not I  could be losing like tonight I'm gonna  be breaking up with my boyfriend
                    okay this is probably one of the hardest  pranks I ever done I'm just glad that I  don't have to do it like in front of his  face that's through a bone because like  if this was in front of his face I would  be freaking out right now  and Gavin if you're this this  is just for review the first  lyrics of the song are I'm doing this  tonight so I'm just gonna text that and  send it okay  I'm about to start this I'm so scared  I'm ready  I did it I did it without I might have  just made a big mistake I did it good  I might have just ruined my relationship.
                                but it's just a friend  it's just a pretty good stress apprai  fiber it's just a prank just relax my  pictures Musa relax me cuz I'm oh he's  got C back he's texting my what  question mark he just seems confused  he's typing again wrong person it's my  boyfriend like I texted and hey like  whatever dog it to okay the next lyrics  are you're probably going to start up hopefully Brian's getting a good  reaction isn't it okay this is Ashley a  jawbreaker because this one's.
                                                actually  pretty serious it's probably going to  start a fight how would you guys react  if this was your girlfriend sending this  to you  we've never had like a fight fight fight  fight just like a prank and then I got  really mad at him look how handsome he  is he said oh Red Robin young hmm I'm  confused  the next lyrics are I know this can't be  right hey baby come on  so that's really confusing so you okay  okay guys I did it I'm gonna do it and  yeah I didn't do it yet but I'm going to  do it okay  ready three two one we probably like  does not know going on but it's time to  break anything.

nobody times I've texted the wrong text  to like the same person multiple times  and have not realized it yeah I know  this can't be right excuse me he said  excuse me my stomach so he obviously  does not know what I'm talking about and  he thinks that I'm like trying to offend  him and he probably still thinks that  it's the wrong person I mean a little  crazy I don't know so the next nerves  are I loved you endlessly it when you  weren't there for me it's this one  really hit him in the heart and I think  he will start to like get the point that  I'm breaking  so how that's ascended this is really  really the jawbreaker like he see this  he's gonna be kind of confuse.
                                                            I think  I'm just so nervous  they don't work there for me she write  poetry she mean it Ryan's that's like  she's read you a poem right  unfortunately everything's funny this is  not funny dude I wait I loved you  endlessly I love you endlessly new  ordinary for me  what was I thought they're here I'm  always there for her literally it's I'm  always holding her she's ready to vote  obviously dude it's a poem she's played  it's not funny up here it's poem utterly  shaking I'm literally shaking.
                        Served with hey what are you okay like  what's going on okay set what's going on  mark where's mark  I'm he's starting to get a little  worried I don't think he thinks it's the  wrong person now the next lurks are now  it's time to leave and make it alone  this is party to the point like it's  just gonna crush his heart all right I  did it already  there's no have to wait wait what's  going on I don't know what any of that  I'm not gonna text we better require  that text I'm not gonna text her back.

  good lyric prank songs for boyfriend  2020                                                      

   no you have to say something back to that  oh he's dead guys oh my god what is he  gonna say he's probably talking right  now I'm freaking out what's going on  okay so now we know that he's freaking  out so the next servers are I know I  can't take no more it ain't no lie so  that's what I'm gonna do super scared  but let's do it  okay guys I'm about to spend it I said I  did it I might have just ruined our  relationship right there that's not good  it's gonna be all right  there's nothing else that she's like set  back yet  I don't.
                    she  I swear she said one more thing that's  bad I'm never gonna lose my mind I can't  take no more I do care  I'm just here no you don't want anyway  boy that's right dude I am concerned I'm  right here ah okay all right okay   in this situation you like you can't do  that you have to you have to kind of  just I don't know so he said what in all  caps so next line is I want to see you  out that door um and I I'm gonna put it  in all caps too this is pretty  straightforward and I'm really nervous.

                                                                           let's end it this is actually kind of  scary like this could actually  jeopardize our relationship right here  I'm pretty sure Gavin already thinks  that I'm breaking up with them this is  really gonna be the  heart-breaker right second  well he's sexy man he said he said it  eat look like eat and then he said what  and then I said you're joking  he's clearly freaking out so I'm gonna  test it the best part  baby bye-bye so I don't know if he's  gonna get it here because this is like  the main lyrics it's night bye bye bye
                      but basically this is it I'm about Rick  with my boyfriend over text like this is  it this is everything I'm so scared I'm  so nervous  it looks like he's already freaking out  I'm first sort of freaking out but now  I'm going to send it and see what  happens  I sent it  what am I gonna do what if the action  things on my own  nobody's not taking back my god  I'm sure y'all get through this like  couples fight like this all the time you  know like it happens all the time and  then you like you talk it out n you work  through it say baby bye bye bye.

                     Song Lyrics Prank On Boyfriend

            it's calling me he doesn't know what's  going on with me look good Gavin chill  like Jill like you need to chill what  are you are you freaking out right now  you didn't say you want to break up with  me without saying that you want to go  with me yeah dad just chill you have to  chill okay you have to understand me  like I'm sorry no I'm sorry like this is  like something that I had to do I'm  sorry like this you couldn't give me  like a notice like like I can't like I  have to see you walk out that door like  I can't like what do you mean  maybe by five five five five Kevin what  I want to see walk out that door five  five go come on you're supposed to be in  Newark like a music nerd come on like  baby bye bye Gavin what you need to  chill like this was just a prank like I  didn't know who this bar like it's not real it was from the song  back.
                                              but yeah I did it to everyone you  need to chill I'm sorry that I made you  cry it was just a prank news for my  Blog like just calm down like  I really didn't mean it was just a prank  for major blog  I'm sorry you got your  phone - I'll buy your new one and I'm  sorry literally either like I literally  threw on that table  it literally cracked literally crap  going down the middle I'm sorry that you  cracked your throat I'm really sorry  you can blame it on Frank.
            because this  is Frank's pranks he's gonna he's he's  taken on a plane for this okay yes Brian  was in on it  he was okay I'm so sorry Gavin like I  really didn't mean for it to go this far  like I love you I'd never do that to you  it was just a prank  well Blog like I swear and I'm sorry  that I got Brian on it I miss you and I  can't wait to see you again love you I'm  sorry I feel bad I'm so sorry like did I  have you guys on the edge of your seats.

  if your you-tuber reading this and you  have a boyfriend of like this I start  doing this song guys do you like I'm the  editor I should get like the face of the  eyeballs I can like do that though  alright go back in the blog where are those s I love you guys  so much  this was kind of a hard  for me to  do and I'm sorry - Gavin and Connor  um I'm mostly sorry - Gavin.
                   because no I  hurt his feelings  Frank is asleep right in your sleep okay  so I'm going to his outro because I  don't want to overwork the little guy  he's really tired I love you guys so  much you're beautiful you're one of the  kind and ever you guys are going through  I'm here for you and I know you're here  for me I love you guys so much  see you the next one

Song Lyrics Prank On Boyfriend
